We provide ONLINE NIOS SOLVED ASSIGNMENT PDF for October Examination 2022. As pre the date on the Nios official Website (, Nios Assignment file submission last date is 31 July. But due to corona (covid-19) I think date will be postponed (Not sure). Dear all students please complete your assignment work before last date and submit assignment file at your regional center or study center.
(Click Here)
Interested student contact us -9582489391 or whatsApp us.
Nios Tutor Mark Assignment For April/May & Oct/Nov
- TMA – By Learners to Study centres – 31st January
- TMA – Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner – 15th February
Nios Tutor Mark Assignment For October/November Exam
- TMA – By Learners to Study centres – 31st July
- TMA – Feedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner – 15th August
What is Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)?
Ans: Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) are meant to help learners as they provide practice in writing answers to questions and get feedback. It is a kind of open book exams. Leaner has unlimited time to provide answer. Guidelines in this regard are also hosted on website.
How many Assignments are to be submitted in each subject?
Ans: One assignment per subject is to be submitted as per the schedule given in the guidelines.
Is it compulsory to do TMA?
Ans: Assessment of TMA is an important part of ‘continuous and comprehensive evaluation’ and hence it is advised to treat it ‘compulsory’ as a learning exercise. However, a candidate may be allowed to appear in the external examination even if he/she could not submit the TMA in a subject. The learner shall be awarded ‘zero’ mark for ‘TMA’ part of internal assessment.
आपको NIOS सॉल्व्ड असाइनमेंट क्यों लेना चाहिए।
- यदि आप एक कामकाजी व्यक्ति हैं और आपके पास असाइनमेंट लिखने का कोई उचित समय नहीं है। या
· यदि आप हाउस वाइफ हैं और आपके पास पर्याप्त समय नहीं है
- यदि आप एक से अधिक कोर्स कर रहे हैं, यदि आप आपातकालीन मामलों में हैं और असाइनमेंट लिखने में असमर्थ हैं।
- आप हमारे वेबसाइट से भी डाउनलोड कर सकते है – क्लिक करे
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Contact us – 9582489391, 7992278944 (Whatsapp)
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