Submit online Nios solved assignment file for current session 2021-2022 For April exam
Submit online Nios solved assignment file for current session 2021-2022 For April exam
What is tutor marked assignment?
“Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is one such means TMA helps in developing regular study habits in students and give students practice in writing responses to questions thereby having a kind of rehearsal in the preparation for the final examination.”
Where can I Get Nios Solved Assignment File?
Hello student my Name is santosh kumar we provide nios solved Assignment soft copy and handwritten copy for april exam. If you interested please call-9582489391 or visit my website And Download Nios TMA answer:
How to submit Online Nios Solved Assignment File?
Step 1- Uploading of TMA will be available only as per the TMA uploading schedule mentioned by NIOS for each session.
Step 2- Submitting/Uploading TMA is applicable only for the learners/students of Stream 1
Step 3- TMA(s) can be uploaded only for the subject for which the learner/student is registered in NIOS. TMA(s) of subjects selected for Transfer of Credit (ToC) can’t be uploaded.
Step 4- Once the due date for submitting/uploading TMA is over, Learner/student will be able to upload the TMA only after paying the TMA late fee online through the Student Portal.
Step 5- Before uploading the TMA, please ensure that the correct TMA is selected for upload. TMA once submitted cannot be submitted/uploaded again.
Step 6- TMA status can be seen from the TMA Status on TMA Tile on the Student Dashboard
Step 7- There are four steps in the process of uploading the TMA(s):
Step-I- Download TMA(s)1
Step-II- Prepare hand written TMA(s) with marking each page with page number
Step-III- Scan the hand written TMA(s) into .PDF for each subject separately
Step-IV- Upload the TMA(s) saved into .PDF file
(Note: Each online activity of the learner/student will be tracked and monitored on the portal starting from login till logout IP address and system environment of the device/laptop/computer/ mobile IMEI will be monitored for security reasons and for further analysis to improve the system.)
- Click View and upload TMA button
- After Upload file click submit button
How are TMA Marks added in Nios?
Internal Assessment (IA) including Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Senior Secondary
Examinations will carry 20% weightage in the External Examination and the marks will be shown
separately and added to the marks obtained in the External Theory Examination and Practicals
(wherever applicable).
What is Nios TMA late fee?
In case a learner could not submit Tutor Marked Assignment on time at the Study Centre learner, may submit the Assignments along with late fee of Rs. 1500/- (to online only on the NIOS website) per subject after due date and after declaration of result till 15th July for April examination and till 15th January for October-November examination, at concerned Regional Centre.
(1) During your course of study, internal assessment will be done to inform your progress through
Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).
(2) TMA in Secondary/Senior examination will carry 20% weight age of theory as continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
(3) Marks will be shown in the mark-sheet along with the marks of external examination which will
carry 80% weight-age in each subject.
(4) TMA Serve as an academic tool to prompt you/your knowledge.
(5) TMA Develop rapport between you and the tutors at the Study Centers. (PCPs)
(6) TMA help learners to know their progress and attainment level and develop regular study habits.
(7) TMA should be submitted before appearing in the Public Examination of the particular subject.

How to Buy Online NIOS Assignments: Click Here
(1) Select your subject code or choose multiple subjects by clicking add to cart button, i.e. Given on every assignment product page.
(2) Fill the contact details i.e. Name, Address, email ID, Mobile number etc. (It is mandatory and we respect your privacy for your data which is absolutely safe with us)
(3) Complete the checkout process by choosing payment options i.e. | Razor-Pay | Instamojo
(by Credit Card | Debit Card | Internet banking) (We are fully secured SSL enabled website).
(4) After successful order, PDF copy of Assignment will be deliver on your email or WhatsApp. (Also can be downloaded
from the perspective dashboard) For any occurring issues during download must call/whatsapp No-09582489391.
We Provide Also Online Services Like :
Online admission, Paying Examination fee online, Change Subject, Add subjects, change permanent address, change correspondence address, change gender, change board, Add mobile number, Name correction, Father name correction, mother name correction, Date of birth correction and other correction. Please Contact Us -95824898391
You can also order a handwritten Nios assignment file : Order Now
For any Query Call or SMS us…
Mr. Santosh kumar
Growth Education points
Contact No- 09582489391, 07992278944
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